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Strugacki Brothers

Collaborating brothers

Arkadij and Boris Strugacki were brothers who collaborated on science fiction novels and stories. 1)

Born in Leningrad

They were born in 1925 and 1933, respectively, and grew up in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia. 2)

Writing together

They began writing together in the 1950s and went on to become some of the most celebrated science fiction writers in the Soviet Union. 3)

Roadside Picnic

Their most famous work is the novel “Roadside Picnic,” which was published in 1972 and has been translated into multiple languages. 4)


“Roadside Picnic” was the basis for the 1979 Andrei Tarkovsky film “Stalker” and the popular video game series “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” 5)


The Strugacki brothers' other notable works include “Hard to Be a God,” “The Doomed City,” and “The Time Wanderers.” 6)

Themes of social commentary and satire

Their writing often dealt with themes of social commentary and satire, as well as science fiction concepts. 7)

Active in the Soviet science fiction community

The Strugacki brothers were active in the Soviet science fiction community and were members of the Writers' Union of the USSR. 8)


They won numerous awards for their work, including the State Prize of the USSR in 1991. 9)


Arkadij Strugacki passed away in 1991, while Boris continued writing until his death in 2012. 10)


The brothers' work has continued to be influential in Russian and international science fiction. 11)

==== Translated from English ====[ The Strugacki brothers were also known for their translations of science fiction works from English into Russian. They were friends with other notable Soviet writers, including Stanislaw Lem and Kir Bulychev. 12)

Analyzed in academic settings

The Strugacki brothers' work has been analyzed in academic settings, including in the book “Red Star Tales: A Century of Russian and Soviet Science Fiction. 13)

strugacki_brothers.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/22 03:48 by aga