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skiing [2021/09/15 06:33]
aga created
skiing [2023/04/05 01:58] (current)
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 ==== Skiing in Australia ==== ==== Skiing in Australia ====
 Although Australia is primarily associated with desert climates, there are several well-developed ski resorts in the mountains of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. These are within the weekend getaways of many Australians. Residents of Canberra are only a two-hour drive to the ski resorts of New South Wales, while the Mount Baw Baw resort is only 120 km from Melbourne. [([[|Ski Resort]])] Although Australia is primarily associated with desert climates, there are several well-developed ski resorts in the mountains of New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. These are within the weekend getaways of many Australians. Residents of Canberra are only a two-hour drive to the ski resorts of New South Wales, while the Mount Baw Baw resort is only 120 km from Melbourne. [([[|Ski Resort]])]
 +==== Comes from the Old Norse word ====
 +The word "ski" comes from the Old Norse word "skíð", which means a stick of wood. [([[|Ski Classics]])]
 +==== Kiandra Pioneer Ski Club ====
 +The first ski club was founded by three Norwegians in Australia in 1861. [([[|Alpine Start Gate]])]
 +==== Winter Olympics ====
 +Skiing was included in the Winter Olympics for the first time in 1924. [([[|History]])]
 +==== Vallée Blanche in Chamonix ====
 +The longest ski run in the world is the Vallée Blanche in Chamonix, France. It is 13.7 miles (22 kilometers) long. [([[|Business Insider]])]
 +==== First ski lift ====
 +The first ski lift was built in Sun Valley, Idaho in 1936. [([[|All Sun Valley]])]
 +==== Indoor skiing ====
 +Skiing is one of the few sports that can be done indoors. There are several indoor ski slopes around the world. [([[|Ski Machine]])]
 +==== Simone Origone ====
 +The world record for the fastest ski speed is held by the Italian skier Simone Origone, who reached a speed of 156.2 mph (251.4 km/h). [([[|CNN]])]
 +==== Cross-country skiing ====
 +Cross-country skiing is the oldest type of skiing, dating back over 4,000 years. [([[|Britannica]])]
 +==== First ski jump competition ====
 +The first ski jump competition was held in Norway in 1862. [([[|Sports Matik]])]
 +==== Freestyle skiing ====
 +The sport of freestyle skiing, which includes events like moguls, aerials, and halfpipe, was added to the Olympics in 1992. [([[|Olympics]])]
 +==== Snowboarding ====
 +Snowboarding was first invented in the 1960s, but it wasn't until the 1990s that it became a popular sport. [([[|Skiing History]])]
 +==== Artificial snow  ====
 +The first artificial snow was produced in 1950 by a ski resort in Vermont, USA. [([[|New York Times]])]
 {{tag>sport geography people}} {{tag>sport geography people}}
skiing.1631705621.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/15 06:33 by aga