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Romanian Cuisine


Mămăligă is a staple in Romanian cuisine, a cornmeal porridge often served as a side dish with various stews and cheeses. 1)


Sarmale are cabbage rolls stuffed with a mixture of ground pork, rice, and spices, often cooked in a tomato sauce. 2)


Mici, also known as “mititei,” are grilled sausages made from a blend of ground meats and spices, often enjoyed with mustard and bread. 3)


Ciorbă is a sour soup often made with ingredients like vegetables, meat, and sour cream, offering a unique balance of flavors. 4)

Mămăligă cu Brânză și Smântână

Mămăligă cu brânză și smântână is a dish made from slices of mămăligă topped with fresh cheese and sour cream. 5)


Zacuscă is a spread made from roasted eggplant, red peppers, tomatoes, and spices, often enjoyed on bread or as a dip. 6)


Papanăși are fried doughnuts made from a mixture of cottage cheese, eggs, and semolina, often served with sour cream and jam. 7)


Caltaboș is a traditional sausage made from various meats, often combined with rice or barley and seasoned with spices. 8)


Mucenici are sweet pastries shaped like the number 8, often boiled and then served with a walnut and honey sauce. 9)


Plăcinte are savory pastries filled with ingredients like cheese, potatoes, cabbage, or meat, enjoyed as snacks or side dishes. 10)

Fasole Bătută

Fasole bătută is a dish made from mashed white beans seasoned with garlic, often served as a spread or dip. 11)

Ciorbă de Burtă

Ciorbă de burtă is a tripe soup often enjoyed as a traditional dish in Romania. 12)


Mărțișor is a Romanian tradition that celebrates the arrival of spring, often involving the giving of small, red and white tokens. 13)


Covrigi are pretzel-like bread products often sold by street vendors and enjoyed as a snack or quick breakfast. 14)

Varză à la Cluj

Varză à la Cluj is a dish made from sautéed cabbage cooked with bacon, spices, and often topped with sour cream. 15)

romanian_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/24 01:50 by aga