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plato [2024/08/23 06:03]
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plato [2024/08/29 06:57] (current)
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 Plato was born around 427 BCE in Athens, Greece, into a wealthy and influential family with political connections.[([[|iep]])] Plato was born around 427 BCE in Athens, Greece, into a wealthy and influential family with political connections.[([[|iep]])]
 +===== Athenian Noble =====
 +Plato was born into an aristocratic family in Athens, around 427-428 BCE.[([[|britannica]])]
 +===== Socrates' Student =====
 +Plato was a devoted student of Socrates, whose teachings deeply influenced his philosophy.[([[|quora]])]
 +===== Critic of Democracy =====
 +Plato was critical of Athenian democracy, which he believed led to the execution of Socrates.[([[|quora]])]
 +===== Founder of the Academy =====
 +Plato founded the Academy in Athens around 387 BCE, one of the first institutions of higher learning in the Western world.[([[|platosacademy]])]
 +===== The Republic =====
 +His most famous work, "The Republic," outlines his vision of an ideal society governed by philosopher-kings.[([[|medium]])]
 +===== Theory of Forms =====
 +Plato is known for his Theory of Forms, which posits that the material world is a shadow of a higher, unchanging reality.[([[|study]])]
 +===== Mathematical Influence =====
 +Plato emphasized mathematics in his teachings, believing it led to philosophical truth. The Academy’s entrance supposedly bore the inscription: "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here."[([[|goodreads]])]
 +===== Dialogues =====
 +Plato wrote his philosophical ideas in dialogue form, often featuring Socrates as a character.[([[|stanford]])]
 +===== The Allegory of the Cave =====
 +This famous metaphor, found in "The Republic," illustrates Plato's view on human perception and the journey toward knowledge.[([[|masterclass]])]
 +===== Idealism =====
 +Plato is often considered the founder of idealism in philosophy, which asserts that reality is fundamentally mental or immaterial.[([[|aithor]])]
 +===== Dualism =====
 +He proposed a dualistic view of reality, dividing existence into the physical world and the world of Forms.[([[|philoschools]])]
 +===== Atlantis =====
 +Plato is the earliest known source of the Atlantis myth, which he mentioned in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias."[([[|jstor]])]
 +===== Influence on Christianity =====
 +Plato’s ideas, especially his concept of an eternal soul, significantly influenced early Christian thought.[([[|mdpi]])]
 +===== Myth of Er =====
 +In "The Republic," Plato describes the Myth of Er, a story about the afterlife that discusses justice and the fate of the soul.[([[|thoughtco]])]
 +===== Three Parts of the Soul =====
 +Plato believed the soul had three parts: the rational, the spirited, and the appetitive.[([[|philosophycourse]])]
 +===== Euthyphro Dilemma =====
 +In the dialogue "Euthyphro," Plato presents a dilemma about whether something is good because the gods will it or whether the gods will it because it is good.[([[|str]])]
 +===== Philosopher Kings =====
 +Plato’s ideal rulers, philosopher-kings, are those who possess wisdom and love knowledge above all else.[([[|wisdomshort]])]
 +===== Symposium =====
 +In "The Symposium," Plato explores the nature of love through a series of speeches given by different characters.[([[|shortform]])]
 +===== Phaedrus =====
 +Another of Plato’s dialogues, "Phaedrus," discusses the nature of the soul and the concept of divine madness.[([[|degruyter]])]
 +===== Critique of Poets =====
 +In "The Republic," Plato famously criticizes poets, particularly Homer, for presenting misleading images of the gods and heroes.[([[|scielo]])]
 +===== Plato's Apology =====
 +This dialogue is a defense of Socrates, presenting the speech he made at his trial.[([[|cliffsnotes]])]
 +===== Theory of Knowledge =====
 +Plato believed that true knowledge is recollection, as discussed in the "Meno" and "Phaedo."[([[|iep]])]
 +===== Justice as Harmony =====
 +In "The Republic," Plato argues that justice is a harmonious relationship between the three parts of the soul.[([[|study]])]
 +===== The Academy's Influence =====
 +The Academy lasted for over 900 years, influencing countless philosophers, including Aristotle, who was Plato’s student.[([[|platosacademy]])]
 +===== Political Philosophy =====
 +Plato’s political ideas laid the foundation for Western political theory, particularly his belief in a hierarchical society.[([[|springer]])]
 +===== Platonic Love =====
 +The term "Platonic love" originates from Plato’s writings, particularly "The Symposium," and refers to a deep but non-sexual affection between people.[([[|morungexpress]])]
 +===== Criticism of Rhetoric =====
 +In the "Gorgias," Plato criticizes rhetoric as a form of flattery rather than a true art.[([[|digitalscholarship]])]
 +===== Plato's Letters =====
 +While their authenticity is debated, a collection of letters attributed to Plato provides insights into his life and thoughts.[([[|aeon]])]
 +===== Influence on Neoplatonism =====
 +Plato’s ideas were revived and expanded upon by Neoplatonists like Plotinus in the 3rd century CE.[([[|minervawisdom]])]
 +===== Plato's Influence on Aristotle =====
 +While Aristotle diverged from Plato in many ways, his early education at the Academy shaped his own philosophical pursuits.[([[|investinhistory]])]
 +===== Myth of the Metals =====
 +In "The Republic," Plato introduces a noble lie about the origin of citizens’ souls to maintain social harmony.[([[|medium]])]
 +===== Doctrine of Anamnesis =====
 +Plato believed that learning is the recollection of knowledge the soul had before birth.[([[|toolshero]])]
 +===== Plato's Influence on Education =====
 +His belief in educating rulers and citizens alike laid early foundations for the concept of liberal arts education.[([[|voegelinview]])]
 +===== Platonic Realism =====
 +His theory of Forms has led to the philosophical position known as Platonic realism, which posits that universals exist independently of the physical world.[([[|study]])]
 +===== Plato’s Unfinished Works =====
 +Some of Plato’s dialogues, like the "Critias," remain unfinished.[([[|philpapers]])]
 +===== Platonic Solids =====
 +Plato discussed five regular polyhedra in "Timaeus," which are now known as the Platonic solids.[([[|britannica]])]
 +===== Plato's Death =====
 +Plato is believed to have died around 348-347 BCE, possibly in his early 80s.[([[|biography]])]
 +===== Influence on Islamic Philosophy =====
 +Plato’s works were highly influential in the Islamic Golden Age, especially through the writings of philosophers like Al-Farabi and Avicenna.[([[|stanford]])]
 +===== Platonic Dualism =====
 +His dualistic view influenced René Descartes, who also separated mind and body in his philosophy.[([[|iep]])]
 +===== No Written Record by Socrates =====
 +Despite being one of the most influential philosophers, Socrates left no writings; most of what we know about him comes from Plato.[([[|reddit]])]
 +===== Plato's Parable of the Ship =====
 +In "The Republic," Plato uses the parable of a ship to illustrate his ideas about leadership and the philosopher-king.[([[|e-ir]])]
 +===== Plato’s Dialogue Style =====
 +His use of dialogues allowed him to explore different perspectives and ideas without committing to a single viewpoint.[([[|quora]])]
 +===== Plato's Influence on St. Augustine =====
 +St. Augustine, one of the most important Christian theologians, was deeply influenced by Platonic thought, particularly its emphasis on the immaterial.[([[|stanford]])]
 +===== Concept of the Ideal State =====
 +Plato's ideal state was highly structured, with citizens divided into classes based on their abilities and the needs of society.[([[|linkedin]])]
plato.1724411021.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/23 06:03 by eziothekilla34