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Papua New Guinea Cuisine


This is PNG's national dish. It is a traditional method of cooking food in an earth oven. Ingredients typically include pork, sweet potatoes, rice, and greens, all wrapped in banana leaves and cooked over hot stones. 1)

Kaukau (Sweet Potato)

A staple in PNG, kaukau is often baked, boiled, or roasted. It can also be mashed and served as a side dish. 2)


A dessert made from sago pearls mixed with water and coconut cream, then wrapped in banana leaves and steamed. It has a unique, chewy texture. 3)

Kokoda Fish

Similar to ceviche, this dish features raw fish marinated in lime juice, mixed with coconut cream, and served with fresh vegetables like tomatoes and onions. 4)

Taro and Banana

A simple yet traditional dish where taro roots and bananas are boiled or steamed together, often served with coconut cream. 5)

Sago Pancakes

Made from sago flour, these pancakes are a popular breakfast item, often served with fresh fruit or coconut cream. 6)

Chicken Pot

A hearty stew made with chicken, taro, sweet potatoes, and greens, all simmered together in a pot with coconut milk for added richness. 7)


A type of bamboo shoot that is commonly used in PNG cuisine. It can be grilled, boiled, or used in stews and salads. 8)

Yam and Coconut Soup

A creamy soup made from yams and coconut milk, often flavored with ginger and other local spices. 9)

Fish Simboro

This dish features fish fillets wrapped in leafy greens and cooked in coconut milk, usually served with a side of rice or root vegetables. 10)

Banana Dumplings (Lukaluka)

These are made by mashing bananas and mixing them with flour to form dumplings, which are then boiled or steamed and served with coconut cream. 11)

Papua New Guinean Chicken Curry

A spicy and flavorful curry made with local spices, coconut milk, and plenty of fresh vegetables. 12)

Marita (Pandanus Nut)

The nut of the pandanus tree, often roasted or boiled and eaten as a snack or side dish. 13)


A festive dish made with cassava, banana, and other local fruits, typically served during special occasions and celebrations. 14)

Coconut Fish Curry

Fresh fish cooked in a rich coconut milk-based curry with a blend of local spices, often accompanied by rice or root vegetables. 15)

papua_new_guinea_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/24 00:56 by aga