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New Caledonia Cuisine


A traditional Melanesian dish where meat (usually chicken or fish) and vegetables are wrapped in banana leaves and cooked in an underground oven, giving it a smoky flavor. 1)

Coconut Crab

This is a delicacy where large crabs are cooked with coconut milk, garlic, onions, and various local spices, often served with rice or root vegetables. 2)

Civet de Roussette (Bat Stew)

A unique dish made from flying fox (a type of bat), simmered in a rich sauce of wine, garlic, onions, and local herbs. 3)

Escargots de l'Île des Pins (Isle of Pines Snails)

Snails from the Isle of Pines cooked in a traditional French style with garlic, butter, and parsley. 4)

Poindimié Sausages

Locally made sausages often incorporating exotic meats like venison or wild boar, grilled and served with tangy sauces. 5)

Tahitian Raw Fish Salad

Raw fish marinated in lime juice and coconut milk, mixed with vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions. 6)

Poisson Cru

Another variation of raw fish salad, similar to ceviche, but with a distinct Pacific flavor from the use of coconut milk and local spices. 7)

Crab Farci

Crab stuffed with a mixture of its own meat, breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, and baked until golden. 8)

Grilled Deer

Venison grilled and served with local vegetables or salad, showcasing the island's hunting traditions. 9)

Banana Po’e

A sweet pudding made from mashed bananas mixed with coconut milk and sugar, then baked, often served with a coconut cream sauce. 10)

Ulu Chips

Chips made from breadfruit, a staple in the Pacific, seasoned and fried to crispy perfection. 11)

Mangrove Oysters

Fresh oysters harvested from the mangroves, often eaten raw with a squeeze of lime or grilled with garlic and butter. 12)

Papaya Salad

A refreshing salad made from green papaya, shredded and mixed with lime juice, chilies, and fish sauce. 13)

Roasted Coconut Pork

Pork marinated in coconut milk and local spices, then roasted and served with a side of taro or yams. 14)

Cassava Cake

A dessert made from grated cassava, coconut milk, sugar, and sometimes flavored with vanilla or citrus zest, then baked until firm and golden. 15)

new_caledonia_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/12 06:24 by aga