Broad-shouldered, taller people produce more CO2 and lactic acid, which attracts mosquitoes (not “sweet blood” as most think). The carbon dioxide trails from our breath are like “highways” on which mosquitoes head to their destination. 1)
Even if no predator gets these insects, they still have a short life span. The average lifespan of a male is about 10 days, while females can live six to eight weeks. 2)
Mosquitoes are the deadliest insects on Earth due to mosquito-borne viruses (such as West Nile Virus, which causes severe fever) and parasites that cause malaria. This is a huge problem, especially in Africa and tropical countries. It is estimated that about 1 million people worldwide die from malaria each year. 3)
Mosquitoes have a highly-developed odor detection system. 4)
Only female mosquitoes feed on human blood. Food for male mosquitoes is plant juices and nectar from flowers. 5)
Mosquitoes do not like windy weather because it makes it difficult for them to sniff out prey. 6)
The scientific name of the mosquito is Culicidae. 7)
Only one good thing can be said about mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are one of the main food items for many animals and are a vital component of the food chain. 8)
Mosquitoes kill more than 700,000 people every year and account for 17% of the estimated global burden of infectious diseases. 9)
Mosquitoes do not spare pets. Just as among humans, mosquitoes transmit deadly diseases to our pets. 10)
Only females bite us. They can suck three times as much blood as they weigh themselves at one time. 11)
Female mosquitoes need blood to lay eggs. 12)
Female mosquitoes lay about 300 eggs. Mostly they die after laying eggs, but sometimes they manage to lay eggs twice. 13)
Mosquito saliva is an allergen. 14)
Mosquitoes fly very slowly. About 2 km/h. 15)
Mosquito larvae develop under the surface of the water. They breathe using a tube that protrudes from their anus. 16)
Mosquitoes are also attracted to octanol, alcohol contained in human sweat. 17)