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mongol_empire [2021/10/14 02:48]
mongol_empire [2021/10/14 03:04] (current)
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 The Mongols did not believe in washing their own garments since it polluted the water and disrupted the water cycle. [([[|Reddit]])] The Mongols did not believe in washing their own garments since it polluted the water and disrupted the water cycle. [([[|Reddit]])]
 +===== Death Toll =====
 +World War II was the bloodiest conflict in human history; nevertheless, the Mongol invasions were almost as lethal, despite the fact that the world population was just one-fifth of what it was during WWII. They were responsible for the deaths of as many as 40 million people. [([[|History]])]
 +===== Horses Not Only For Transportation =====
 +During a campaign, soldiers were given limited rations and were trained to go for days at a time without eating. Their horses were not only their mode of transportation, but also, in times of need, a source of food, water, and warmth. [([[|Historynet]])]
 +===== Silk Armor =====
 +Mongols wore silk clothes, despite the fact that they were not fashionistas. To defend themselves from arrows, they would wear a silk shirt under their armor. The silk threads would mesh around the arrowhead, making arrow removal more hygienic and less harmful. [([[|Quora]])]
 +===== Ger =====
 +A nomadic civilization like the Mongols required the development of movable dwellings. The ger appears. A ger was a simple, prefabricated dwelling made of wood, pelts, and ropes. Men, women, and the old each had their own quarters. [([[|Unesco]])]
 +===== Great Hunt =====
 +During the winter, a grand hunt would be summoned, with the Khan leading the charge with the first kill. From March through October, it is illegal to kill animals. [([[|Medium]])]
mongol_empire.1634197733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/14 02:48 by eziothekilla34