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 The Korean War was a testing ground for new military technologies, including guided missiles and early versions of night vision devices.[([[|encyclopedia]])] The Korean War was a testing ground for new military technologies, including guided missiles and early versions of night vision devices.[([[|encyclopedia]])]
 +===== Brief Cooperation Between China And United States =====
 +The war led to a brief period of cooperation between China and the United States, as both sides sought a resolution to the conflict.[([[|fmprc]])]
 +===== Dedicated National Cemeteries =====
 +Both North and South Korea have dedicated national cemeteries for the war dead, honoring the soldiers who lost their lives.[([[|cnn]])]
 +===== Impact On Psyche And Identity =====
 +The Korean War had a profound impact on the Korean people's psyche and identity, further dividing the two sides culturally and politically.[([[|columbia]])]
 +===== Notable Veterans =====
 +A number of notable veterans of the Korean War later became prominent figures in politics, including US Presidents John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.[([[|arlingtoncemetery]])]
 +===== First Armed Conflict After Establishment Of Republic Of China =====
 +The Korean War was the first armed conflict following the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949.[([[|britannica]])]
 +===== Prisoners Of War =====
 +A significant number of prisoners of war refused repatriation at the end of the war, choosing to live in a neutral country instead.[([[|newyorker]])]
 +===== Miracle on the Han River =====
 +South Korea experienced rapid economic growth in the decades following the war, known as the "Miracle on the Han River."[([[|oecd]])]
 +===== North Korea Closed And Secretive =====
 +North Korea remains one of the most closed and secretive countries in the world, partially due to the war's enduring impact.[([[|cia]])]
 +===== Technological Advancements =====
 +The war led to significant technological advancements in military equipment and tactics, shaping modern warfare.[([[|defensebridge]])]
 +===== Limited War =====
 +The Korean War was one of the first "limited wars," as the major powers involved sought to avoid a direct confrontation with each other.[([[|essex]])]
 +===== Skirmishes And Incidents Along The DMZ =====
 +Despite the war's end, sporadic skirmishes and incidents along the DMZ have occurred over the years, leading to continued tensions.[([[|armyupress]])]
 +===== Mandatory Korean Language Course =====
 +The US Military Academy at West Point introduced mandatory Korean language courses after the war to improve communication and intelligence gathering.[([[|defense]])]
 +===== Remains Of US Soldiers =====
 +In 1999, the remains of more than 400 US soldiers were returned by North Korea, and a joint recovery operation continues to search for more remains.[([[|crmforce]])]
 +===== Korean War Veterans Memorial =====
 +The Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., was dedicated in 1995 to honor the American soldiers who served during the conflict.[([[|abmc]])]
 +===== Korean War's Legacy =====
 +The Korean War's legacy continues to shape geopolitics in East Asia, with reunification efforts and regional security remaining ongoing concerns.[([[|openedition]])]
korean_war.1690990995.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/02 10:43 by eziothekilla34