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 Newton devoted most of his adult life to alchemy, including the hunt for the philosopher's stone. The philosopher's stone is said to be capable of transforming common metals (lead) into gold. He was quite secretive and kept part of his study in code.[([[|discovermagazine]])] Newton devoted most of his adult life to alchemy, including the hunt for the philosopher's stone. The philosopher's stone is said to be capable of transforming common metals (lead) into gold. He was quite secretive and kept part of his study in code.[([[|discovermagazine]])]
-===== Barely At Lectures =====+===== Barely Any Audience At Lectures =====
 Newton taught at Cambridge for approximately 30 years. However, he was uninterested in teaching, and his lectures were unpopular. Occasionally, no one showed up at all.[([[|history]])] Newton taught at Cambridge for approximately 30 years. However, he was uninterested in teaching, and his lectures were unpopular. Occasionally, no one showed up at all.[([[|history]])]
 +===== Analyzed The Bible =====
 +Newton studied the Bible for hidden hints about how the cosmos functioned.[([[|wired]])]
 +===== Westminster Abbey Burial =====
 +Newton died at the age of 84 in 1727. He was laid to rest at Westminster Abbey, with numerous English kings and renowned Britons, including Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, and David Livingstone.[([[|guidelondon]])]
 +===== Discoveries =====
 +Newton uncovered several world-changing discoveries, including 1) three laws of motion, 2) universal gravity, 3) the shape of the Earth, 4) optics, 5) the empirical law of cooling, and 6) the concept of Newtonian fluid.[([[|universetoday]])]
 +===== Needle In The Eye =====
 +Isaac Newton poked himself in the eye with a needle. He inserted the needle between his eyelids and probed the rear of his eyeball to chronicle the "light and dark colored patches", mapping his own retinal mapping.[([[|scientificamerican]])]
 +===== Nervous Breakdowns =====
 +Newton went through two nervous breakdowns. He resigned up scientific studies after the second one in 1693 and got a post with the Royal Mint.[([[|mathshistory]])]
 +===== Arianism =====
 +Arianism, an obscure religious doctrine that Jesus, while created by God, was not divine, inspired Isaac Newton.[([[|howstuffworks]])]
 +===== Paid For His Own Education =====
 +Newton paid for his education by working as a servant to wealthier students and launching a small lending company.[([[|howstuffworks]])]
 +===== Death And Mercury =====
 +On March 20, 1727, Newton died in his sleep in London. Following his death, it was discovered that his hair contained mercury, most likely from his alchemical efforts. His latter eccentricities may be explained by his exposure to mercury poisoning.[([[|quora]])]
isaac_newton.1670217874.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/04 23:24 by eziothekilla34