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Hessian Cuisine

Handkäs mit Musik (Hand Cheese with Music)

A traditional dish featuring a sour milk cheese known as Handkäse. It's marinated in vinegar, oil, and onions, and the “music” refers to the sound made after consuming the onions! Typically served with rye bread and butter. 1)

Frankfurter Grüne Soße (Frankfurt Green Sauce)

A cold herb sauce made from seven fresh herbs, including parsley, chives, and sorrel, mixed with sour cream or quark. Often served with boiled eggs and potatoes, this dish is especially popular in Frankfurt and surrounding areas. 2)

Rippchen mit Kraut (Pork Ribs with Sauerkraut)

A hearty dish of cured pork ribs served with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes or bread. This dish is commonly enjoyed with Apfelwein (apple wine), a regional specialty. 3)

Ahle Wurst

A traditional air-dried sausage from northern Hesse, made from pork and seasoned with garlic, pepper, and salt. The sausage is aged for several months, developing a deep, rich flavor. It’s often enjoyed as a snack with bread and mustard. 4)

Ebbelwoi-Gulasch (Apple Wine Goulash)

A unique Hessian take on goulash, made with tender beef simmered in a sauce of onions, paprika, and local apple wine (Ebbelwoi). The apple wine adds a slight tartness to the dish, giving it a distinctive regional twist. 5)


Small almond-based marzipan cookies originating from Frankfurt, traditionally made for Christmas. The cookies are shaped into small balls and topped with three almonds, representing the Bethmann family. 6)

Frankfurter Kranz (Frankfurt Crown Cake)

A classic layer cake filled with buttercream and jam, often raspberry or cherry, and topped with caramelized hazelnuts. It’s shaped like a crown, symbolizing the city of Frankfurt’s importance in German history. 7)

Speckkuchen (Bacon Cake)

A savory pie made with a yeast dough base and topped with a mixture of bacon, onions, and cream or quark. This is a popular dish in rural areas, often baked in large communal ovens. 8)

Linsensuppe mit Speck (Lentil Soup with Bacon)

A warming and hearty lentil soup made with lentils, vegetables, and smoky bacon, often flavored with vinegar for a tangy finish. This traditional soup is especially popular during the colder months. 9)

Hessen Kartoffelsalat (Hessian Potato Salad)

Unlike other German potato salads, Hessian potato salad is often made without mayonnaise. It's dressed with a light vinegar and oil dressing, mixed with onions, cucumbers, and fresh herbs. 10)


A type of flatbread or open-faced pastry topped with savory ingredients like onions, bacon, and sour cream, or sweet toppings like apples and cinnamon. Ploatz is commonly baked in Hesse and reflects the region’s farming traditions. 11)

Kasseler Rippchen (Smoked Pork Chops)

A popular dish made with Kasseler, a smoked pork chop or loin, often served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, or bread dumplings. The smoking process gives the meat a rich flavor. 12)

Apfelweinbraten (Apple Wine Roast)

A pork roast cooked with apples and Hessian apple wine, which gives the meat a slightly fruity and tangy taste. It’s a perfect example of how Hessians use their famous apple wine in cooking. 13)


A type of sweet cream slice made from a yeast dough base, topped with a thick layer of Schmand (a type of sour cream) and sugar, often finished with fruit or a cinnamon-sugar sprinkle. 14)


A traditional dish made from leftover pork and bread, which is ground together and seasoned with onions, marjoram, and pepper. This is a hearty and frugal dish reflecting rural Hessian traditions. 15)

hessian_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/12 04:18 by aga