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hercules [2021/12/16 01:21]
hercules [2021/12/17 00:48] (current)
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 Heracles married King Creon's daughter Megara in Thebes. Hera, still enraged, instilled in Hercules a fit of insanity, prompting him to murder his family. [([[|Britannica]])] Heracles married King Creon's daughter Megara in Thebes. Hera, still enraged, instilled in Hercules a fit of insanity, prompting him to murder his family. [([[|Britannica]])]
 +===== Argonauts =====
 +Hercules later joined the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece. The Argonauts were a group of Greek mythological heroes who accompanied Jason to Colchis on his mission to obtain the Golden Fleece before to the events of the Trojan War. [([[|Myths And Legends]])]
 +===== Wanted To Commit Suicide =====
 +Hercules desired to commit suicide. The anguish of killing his family was too much for the demi-god, who was ready to die at that point. But his cousin, Theseus, persuaded him that doing so would be cowardly, and that he needed to find a means to atone for his faults. [([[|JSTOR]])]
 +===== Hera Again =====
 +Hera drove Hercules insane once more, causing him to throw his best buddy over the city wall to his death. To cleanse himself of this guilt, Hercules spent three years serving Queen Omphale of Lydia, dressing in women's clothing and doing the ladies' chores. [([[|Myth World]])]
 +===== Deianira =====
 +Hercules was killed after he wedded Deianira. Deianira was duped by a former Heracles opponent and accidently poisoned her husband with a venom-dipped garment.[([[|Perseus]])]
 +===== Death =====
 +The demigod died slowly and painfully. He scaled Mt. Etna and erected his own death pyre. He then lay down, his head resting on his club and the pelt of a Nemean lion covering him. [([[|Edukalife]])]
 +===== Metamorphosis =====
 +Zeus summoned lightning to consume Hercules' mortal body and transport him to Mount Olympus on his deathbed. This was Hercules' apotheosis, his metamorphosis into a god. [([[|Answers To All]])]
 +===== Prometheus =====
 +Hercules killed the eagle that tortured Prometheus by shooting it. Prometheus, in turn, gave prophesies about Hercules' future heroic actions. [([[|THEOI]])]
 +===== An Icon =====
 +Hercules was the only hero in Greek mythology who had cults dedicated to him all around Greece. His extraordinary feats in defeating monsters earned him the title of defender of countless cities. [([[|World History]])]
 +===== Glory Of Hera =====
 +Hercule's name, ironically, means "Hera's Glory". Despite the fact that Hera was his sworn adversary, Hercules was named after her. [([[|Scribd]])]
 +===== First Labor =====
 +Hercules killed the Nemean Lion on his first of the 12 Labors by catching it in its cave and strangling it. For the remainder of his life, he wore the lion's fur as a cloak. [([[|Perseus]])]
 +===== Hydra =====
 +Hercules' second mission was to destroy a deadly, snake-like beast that dwelt underwater and guarded the Underworld's entrance. Hercules enlisted the assistance of his nephew Iolaus for this mission. He severed the heads of the monsters as Iolaus burnt each wound with a fire. [([[|Britannica]])]
 +===== Erymanthean Boar =====
 +He used a large snare to intimidate the Erymanthean Boar before killing it. The boar was notorious for terrorizing Mt. Erymanthus and murdering the residents. [([[|Perseus]])]
 +===== Defeated The Titans =====
 +Hercules assisted in the battle of the Titans, saving the world from chaos and the gods from jail. He then sailed back to Greece to exact his vengeance on Augeius for not honoring his agreement when he cleared out the stables. [([[|World History]])]
 +===== Disney Film =====
 +In the Disney film "Hercules", Hades frees the Titans from the depths of the ocean. However, in the original narrative, they were sent to Tartarus, the darkest and harshest portion of the Underworld. [([[|Disney Trivia]])]
 +===== Perseus =====
 +Perseus is his great grandfather. Hercules' mother, Alcmene, was the granddaughter of Perseus, possibly Greece's greatest hero before Hercules. [([[|THEOI]])]
hercules.1639639282.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/16 01:21 by eziothekilla34