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One gene is not responsible for tongue rolling

Despite tongue rolling being probably the most commonly used example of a genetic trait in humans, it is a myth that a gene is responsible for the skill. The studies demonstrate that tongue rolling is both influenced by genetics and by the environment. 1)

The North African blue atlas butterfly

Humans have only 46 chromosomes. The mammal with the most chromosomes is the visceral rat. The North African blue atlas butterfly has between 448 and 452 chromosomes. It has the largest number of chromosomes of any multicellular aerobic organism. 2)

Eumelanin and pheomelanin determine the hair color in humans

The amount of eumelanin and pheomelanin determine the hair color in humans. Eumelanin is dark brown, and pheomelanin is reddish. People who have large amounts of pheomelanin have red hair. 3)

Theory of heredity

The Drosophila melanogaster is a small insect from the order of flies that lives on rotting fruit. It is a species belonging to the invertebrate model organisms. Due to its easy breeding, simple crossbreeding, and rapid growth, it was used by Thomas Morgan in his research on the chromosome theory of heredity. 4)

Johann Friedrich Miescher

Johann Friedrich Miescher (1844-1895) was a Swiss researcher of cell metabolism and the discoverer of nucleic acids. In 1869, he isolated nucleic acids, which he called nuclein, from oil-soaked bandages of patients. He later discovered that they are found mainly in chromosomes. 5)

Taste and smell

Only 3 genes are associated with sight, 2 with hearing, 5 with taste, and 1000 with smell. Fewer genes are linked to hearing - 2. 5 genes are linked to taste, while 1000 genes are linked to smell! 6)

Earwax is not dependent on genetics

It is a myth that earwax is dependent on genetics. A single gene is not responsible for the kind of earwax one has, whether it is wet or dry and what color. The wet wax allele is also not dominant over the dry one. 7)


Batology is the science that deals with the study of blackberries. Narrow specialization in the study of this genus serves to understand the very complex variation at the genetic and morphological level of blackberries, consequently also the systematics of these plants. 8)

genetics.1628235001.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/06 02:30 by aga