Death's-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos) is a moth of the hoverfly family, one of the largest in Europe. It has a characteristic pattern on its trunk resembling a skull, to which it owes its name. Imagoes are found in honeybee colonies, where they feed on honey undisturbed. The corpse-headed darter has been associated with death in many cultures. It appears in the film The Andalusian Dog and is an important motif appearing in the novel Silence of the Lambs. 1)
The lifespan of a honeybee worker depends on the season. In the warm season, the worker bee lives only about 38 days. However, in the winter season, the lifespan increases significantly to about 6 months. 2)
Ants of the genus Camponotus herculeanus are characterized by a peculiar appearance: narrow and long, although quite massive body. They are usually very nicely colored. 3)
The larva of the seven-spot ladybird is very mobile and voracious. It is the larvae that are so effective at controlling aphids (much more effective than the adult forms), eating up to six hundred a day. 4)
The praying mantis bites and chews the flesh of its prey in a way similar to mammals, but its jaws open sideways instead of downwards. When holding prey in its grasp, the praying mantis always starts its consumption from the head. 5)
Social insects live in large groups and work together to survive and build their homes. Examples include bees, ants, wasps, and termites. 6)
In a typical 1 square mile of forest or jungle, there are more insects than people on the entire earth. 7)
Insects do not have bones or spines as we do. They are called invertebrates. This means that there is a hard exoskeleton, or shell, on the outside of their body that protects them. 8)
All insects hatch from eggs. Their babies are called larvae. 9)
A cockroach can live up to 3 weeks without a head. 10)
The butterfly has taste receptors in its legs. 11)
The weight of all termites in the world outweighs that of all humans 10 to 1. 12)
Insects are divided into 32 groups, and the largest group is the beetle. 13)
Insects eat more plants than any animal on earth. They consume dead plants and animals and are themselves a major food source for many other animals. 14)
Insects were the earliest organisms to make and sense sounds. 15)
Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating. 16)
The average life span of a housefly is on average 15 days. 17)
Some anteaters eat up to 30,000 ants a day. 18)