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congo_civil_war [2023/08/16 13:12]
congo_civil_war [2023/08/17 13:09] (current)
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 Various rebel factions emerged with differing agendas, adding to the complexity of the conflict.[([[|openedition]])] Various rebel factions emerged with differing agendas, adding to the complexity of the conflict.[([[|openedition]])]
 +===== Worse Relations With Neighbors =====
 +The conflict strained relations between neighboring countries, with accusations of cross-border support for rebel groups.[([[|nytimes]])]
 +===== Sexual Violence =====
 +Sexual violence was used as a weapon of war, with women and girls being particularly vulnerable.[([[|corteidh]])]
 +===== Uganda Violating International Law =====
 +In 2002, the International Court of Justice ruled that Uganda had violated international law by plundering Congolese resources.[([[|un]])]
 +===== Accountability For War Crimes =====
 +The conflict highlighted the challenges of establishing accountability for war crimes and holding perpetrators responsible.[([[|reliefweb]])]
 +===== Natural Resources Looted =====
 +Natural resources looted from the DRC during the war contributed to global supply chains.[([[|ohchr]])]
 +===== Fragility Of DRC State =====
 +The war revealed the fragility of the DRC's post-colonial state and its struggle to establish effective governance.[([[|worldbank]])]
 +===== Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration =====
 +Efforts to disarm and demobilize combatants were met with challenges, as many had become economically dependent on the conflict.[([[|accord]])]
 +===== Emergence Of Armed Groups =====
 +The war's aftermath saw the emergence of armed groups that continued to operate in various parts of the country.[([[|cfr]])]
 +===== UN Peacekeeping =====
 +The UN's peacekeeping mission in the DRC, MONUSCO, remains one of the world's largest and most complex.[([[|un]])]
 +===== Conflict Minerals =====
 +The war brought attention to the issue of conflict minerals and their role in funding violence.[([[|sciencedirect]])]
 +===== Mineral Wealth =====
 +A 2010 study estimated that the DRC's mineral wealth had financed armed groups responsible for widespread atrocities.[([[|transparency]])]
 +===== Strained Diplomatic Relations =====
 +The conflict strained diplomatic relations between African nations, leading to ongoing tensions in the region.[([[|eisa]])]
 +===== Short-lived Peace Agreements =====
 +Numerous peace agreements were signed during the war, but many were short-lived and failed to bring lasting stability.[([[|accord]])]
 +===== Complexity Of The Conflict =====
 +The war's impact on neighboring countries, including refugee flows and cross-border violence, added to the complexity of the conflict.[([[|jstor]])]
 +===== DRC Still Being Rebuilt =====
 +Efforts to rebuild the DRC and address the root causes of the conflict continue to this day, with the country still facing significant challenges.[([[|concern]])]
congo_civil_war.1692209559.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/16 13:12 by eziothekilla34