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Bill Gates

William “Bill” Henry Gates III born October 28, 1955 in Seattle) is an American computer scientist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and co-founder, chief software architect, and former CEO of Microsoft Corporation. During his career at Microsoft, he held the positions of CEO and chief software architect and remains the company's largest individual shareholder with over 9 percent of the common stock. 1)

Washes dinner dishes himself

Bill Gates loves cleaning his own dinner dishes and does so most evenings. Some people volunteer, however,“Other people volunteer but I like the way I do it.2)

Was notorious for f-bomb filled rants

Gates was infamous for f-bomb-filled rants in meetings and emails during his days at Microsoft. They weren't aimed at people. 3)

Bill had to hire a traffic attorney

Bill Gates used to pick up porches that he flew like a maniac. During his young days at Microsoft, Gates received so many speeding tickets that he was forced to recruit a traffic attorney. 4)

Microsoft is no longer his main source of wealth

The main cause of his fortune is no longer Microsoft. For years, Gates has been selling off stock, investing in other firms and using all of it to support his charity work. His hidden investment arm is his company manager, Michael Larson.5)

Gates' First Computer Program

Gates wrote his first programming program on a General Electric computer as a young teenager at Lakeside Prep School. That was a tic-tac-toe variant, where you could play against a machine. 6)

Gates Was Once Arrested

In New Mexico, Gates was imprisoned once, in 1977. Without a driver's license, he was driving and he ran a red light. 7)

Up until 1997, he used to travel coach

Now, he has a plane of his own. He names it his “big splurge.” 8)

One of Gates' Biggest Splurges

In addition to his aircraft, one of Gates' greatest splurges was the Codex Leicester, a series of writings by Leonardo da Vinci. 9)

bill_gates.1613637364.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/18 02:36 by eziothekilla34