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biggest_tanks [2021/06/14 00:54]
biggest_tanks [2021/08/04 05:07] (current)
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-The French FCM F1 was an early foray into the super-heavy tank class, with similar limits in maneuverability but more than making up for it in firepower and armor protection. It had 100 mm of armor protection and a variety of weaponry, including a 47 mm acon+The French FCM F1 was an early foray into the super-heavy tank class, with similar limits in maneuverability but more than making up for it in firepower and armor protection. It had 100 mm of armor protection and a variety of weaponry, including a 47 mm front cannon. [([[|Global Security]])] 
 +===== Char 2C ===== 
 +The Char 2C provided France with one of the world's only operational super heavy tanks, as it made it from the drawing board to the battlefield. It weighed 69 tons fully laden and was powered by a German-built V12. The tank, like so many others, was just too large, making quick moves impossible and making it an obvious target for hostile groups. [([[|Tanks-Encyclopedia]])] 
 +{{tag>technology military}}
biggest_tanks.1623650080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/14 00:54 by eziothekilla34