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asturian_cuisine [2024/10/25 00:29]
asturian_cuisine [2024/10/25 00:31] (current)
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 ==== Queso Cabrales ==== ==== Queso Cabrales ====
-Not a dish, but a world-renowned blue cheese made in the Picos de Europa mountains. Cabrales has a strong, pungent flavor and is often served with bread, honey, or incorporated into dishes like sauces or steaks. [([[|The CHeese Atlas])]+Not a dish, but a world-renowned blue cheese made in the Picos de Europa mountains. Cabrales has a strong, pungent flavor and is often served with bread, honey, or incorporated into dishes like sauces or steaks. [([[|The Cheese Atlas]])]
 ==== Pixín (Monkfish) ==== ==== Pixín (Monkfish) ====
-Pixín, or monkfish, is a prized catch along the Asturian coast. It is commonly prepared grilled, fried, or in a cider sauce. The fish has a firm texture and a mild flavor, making it versatile in many dishes. [([[|Eating Asturias]])]+Pixín, or monkfish, is a prized catch along the Asturian coast. It is commonly prepared grilled, fried, or in a cider sauce. The fish has a firm texture and a mild flavor, making it versatile in many dishes. [([[|Eat Campo Grande]])]
 ==== Arroz con Leche ==== ==== Arroz con Leche ====
asturian_cuisine.1729834195.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/25 00:29 by aga