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arthurian_legends [2021/09/20 13:46]
rapidplatypus [Le Morte D'Arthur]
arthurian_legends [2022/08/31 08:29] (current)
aga ↷ Page name changed from king_arthur to arthurian_legends
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-====== King Arthur ======+====== Arthurian Legends ======
 ==== Mythological figure ==== ==== Mythological figure ====
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 [([[|BBC]])] [([[|BBC]])]
 +==== Several narrative lines ====
 +The stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table are not coherent whole but form several partially independent narrative lines. [([[|Live Science]])]
-{{tag>myths history culture}}+==== Arthur's father ==== 
 +Uther Pendragon reunites Britain after years of battles. In union with Igerna, he conceives Arthur, whom he gives to Merlin. Arthur grows in obscurity, as the foster son of Sir Hector. [([[|University of Rochester]])] 
 +==== Not just Arthur ==== 
 +Independent series of Arthurian Legends form legends related to the history of Merlin, Tristan, and Isolde or Sir Lamorak. [([[|Britannica]])] 
 +==== The Holy Grail === 
 +A very important major narrative line is related to the search for the Grail. Courtly and Celtic culture give way here to Christian and Gnostic influences. Only a few knights (Bors, Galahad, Parsifal) corresponding to the new ideal of the holy knight can fulfill the Grail mission. With the fulfillment of the Grail mission, the Arthurian era becomes a thing of the past. [([[|VDOC]])] 
 +==== The Mists of Avalon ==== 
 +Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon is one of the most popular modern versions of the Arthurian legends. The Mists of Avalon exposes the conflict between the departed world of Celtic magic and the coming Christianity. [([[|Lit Reactor]])] 
 +==== The Lady of Shalott ==== 
 +Alfred Tennyson's most famous poem The Lady of Shalott (1842) tells the story of Elaine of Astolat's love for Lancelot. [([[|Poetry Foundation]])] 
 +=== Three musical dramas by Richard Wagner ==== 
 +Three musical dramas by Richard Wagner are based on Arthurian legends: Lohengrin (1848), Tristan and Isolde (1859), and Parsifal (1882). [([[|JSTOR]])] 
 +==== Monty Python and the Holy Grail ==== 
 +Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a 1975 British film, is based on the Arthurian legends. [([[|Mythus Fandom]])] 
 +==== Pre-Raphaelite painting ==== 
 +Arthurian motifs were a popular theme in Pre-Raphaelite painting. [([[|Owlcation]])] 
 +==== Series of woodcuts ==== 
 +Aubrey Beardsley created a series of woodcuts for Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur. [([[|Enchanted Booklet]])] 
 +{{tag>myths history culture mythology}}
arthurian_legends.1632163616.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/20 13:46 by rapidplatypus