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aragonese_cuisine [2024/10/24 01:21]
aga created
aragonese_cuisine [2024/10/24 01:21] (current)
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 ==== Recao de Binéfar ==== ==== Recao de Binéfar ====
-This is a hearty stew made with lentils, potatoes, rice, and chorizo. It originates from the town of Binéfar and is perfect for cold winter days, offering warmth and plenty of energy. [([[]])]+This is a hearty stew made with lentils, potatoes, rice, and chorizo. It originates from the town of Binéfar and is perfect for cold winter days, offering warmth and plenty of energy. [([[|Pinterest]])]
 ==== Chireta ==== ==== Chireta ====
aragonese_cuisine.1729750887.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/24 01:21 by aga