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Åland cuisine

Ålands Pannkaka (Åland Pancake)

A thick, oven-baked pancake made with semolina or rice porridge, flavored with cardamom and vanilla, served with prune jam and whipped cream. 1)

Svartbröd (Åland Black Bread)

A dark, sweet, and slightly tangy rye bread, traditionally baked slowly for up to 24 hours, giving it a dense, chewy texture. 2)

Åländsk Fisklimpa (Åland Fish Loaf)

A fish-based meatloaf made with white fish, potatoes, onions, and eggs, baked until firm and served with butter sauce. 3)

Strömming i Ättika (Pickled Baltic Herring)

A popular marinated herring dish, where herring fillets are pickled with vinegar, onions, and allspice, often served on black bread. 4)

Åländsk Sötost (Åland Sweet Cheese)

A mild, caramel-like cheese, traditionally made by boiling milk, rennet, and sugar, then served in slices. 5)

Ålandslimpa (Åland Malt Bread)

A soft, malted rye bread, often flavored with syrup, giving it a subtle sweetness that pairs well with butter and cheese. 6)

Sälköttgryta (Seal Meat Stew)

A rare, traditional dish, made by slow-cooking seal meat with onions, bay leaves, and juniper berries. 7)

Åländsk Äppelkaka (Åland Apple Cake)

A rustic apple cake, made with Åland-grown apples, cinnamon, and a buttery crumb topping, best enjoyed with vanilla sauce. 8)

Havtornssoppa (Sea Buckthorn Soup)

A vitamin-rich fruit soup, made from sea buckthorn berries, sugar, and a touch of cream, served warm or cold. 9)

Ålands Fisksoppa (Åland Fish Soup)

A rich, creamy soup, made with fresh Baltic fish (perch, pike, or salmon), potatoes, leeks, and dill. 10)

Sotare (Grilled Baltic Herring)

A traditional fishing village dish, where herring is grilled whole over an open flame, giving it a smoky, crispy skin. 11)

Smörgåsbord med Åländska Delikatesser (Åland Smorgasbord)

A platter of local specialties, including cold-smoked salmon, pickled herring, black bread, cheeses, and butter from Åland’s dairy farms. 12)

Färskpotatis med Gräddfil och Gräslök (New Potatoes with Sour Cream and Chives)

A simple but beloved summer dish, where freshly harvested potatoes are served with sour cream, chives, and herring. 13)

Åländsk Ostpaj (Åland Cheese Pie)

A savory pie, filled with Åland cheese, cream, and eggs, baked until golden brown, often served with a salad. 14)

Skärgårdstårta (Archipelago Cake)

A layered cake, made with thin, soft flatbreads, filled with smoked fish, egg salad, and sour cream, creating a unique savory “sandwich cake.” 15)

aland_cuisine.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/27 01:13 by aga