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Uusimaa cuisine

Helsingin Silakkapihvit (Helsinki Herring Steaks)

A popular pan-fried Baltic herring dish, where fillets are stuffed with mustard, coated in rye flour, and fried in butter—a staple in Helsinki’s Silakkamarkkinat (Herring Market). 1)

Porvoon Lihapiirakka (Porvoo Meat Pie)

A crispy, deep-fried pastry, filled with spiced ground beef, rice, and onions, often served with pickles and mustard. 2)

Uudenmaan Rapukeitto (Uusimaa Crayfish Soup)

A rich, creamy soup made from fresh crayfish, white wine, and dill, inspired by the region’s Swedish-influenced crayfish feasts. 3)

Espoon Järvikala (Espoo Lake Fish)

A simple, rustic dish featuring freshly caught perch or pike, pan-fried with butter, salt, and juniper berries, served with mashed potatoes. 4)

Helsingin Skagenröra (Helsinki Shrimp Toast)

A local take on Swedish Skagenröra, this dish consists of buttered rye bread topped with a creamy shrimp and dill salad, often finished with fish roe. 5)

Uudenmaan Karjalanpaisti

A local variation of Finland’s national dish, this version adds a hint of allspice and juniper berries to its slow-cooked mix of beef, pork, and lamb. 6)

Porvoon Runebergintorttu (Runeberg’s Tart)

A moist, almond-flavored cake, traditionally topped with raspberry jam and a ring of icing, named after the famous poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg, who lived in Porvoo. 7)

Helsingin Paistetut Muikut (Fried Vendace)

A classic street food dish, featuring crispy, fried vendace (small fish) served in a paper cone, eaten whole with a squeeze of lemon. 8)

Uudenmaan Mustikkasoppa (Blueberry Soup)

A sweet and tangy blueberry soup, thickened with potato starch and served warm or cold, often enjoyed as a snack or dessert. 9)

Loviisan Lohipastrami (Loviisa Salmon Pastrami)

A modern dish where salmon fillets are cured with salt, sugar, dill, and black pepper, then lightly smoked for a pastrami-like texture. 10)

Helsingin Makaronilaatikko

A Finnish take on macaroni casserole, baked with ground beef, eggs, and milk, often topped with ketchup or lingonberry jam. 11)

Uudenmaan Mustaleipä (Uusimaa Black Bread)

A dark, dense rye bread, often flavored with malt and molasses, giving it a slightly sweet taste, similar to Russian black bread. 12)

Helsingin Suolakurkut (Helsinki Salted Cucumbers)

A quick-pickled cucumber dish, where cucumbers are salted and fermented with garlic, dill, and mustard seeds, commonly served with hearty meat dishes. 13)

Uudenmaan Korvapuustit (Cinnamon Rolls)

A traditional Finnish cinnamon roll, featuring a cardamom-infused dough, rolled with cinnamon and sugar, and shaped with a distinctive ear-like twist. 14)

Helsingin Hernesoppa (Helsinki Pea Soup)

A thick, hearty green pea soup, often served on Thursdays with Finnish mustard and a side of oven-baked pancakes (pannukakku). 15)