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Kymenlaakso cuisine

Kymijoen Lohikeitto (Kymi River Salmon Soup)

A rich creamy salmon soup, made with locally caught salmon, potatoes, leeks, and fresh dill, served with rye bread. 1)

Kotkan Merimiespihvi (Kotka Sailor’s Steak)

A beef and onion casserole, slow-cooked in beer with bay leaves and allspice, originally a favorite among seafarers in Kotka. 2)

Viipurin Rinkelit (Vyborg Pretzels)

A sweet, cardamom-flavored pretzel with a soft inside and crispy sugar-coated crust, originating from Vyborg (historically tied to Kymenlaakso). 3)

Kymenlaakson Silakkapihvit (Herring Patties)

A pan-fried dish made by stuffing two Baltic herring fillets with mustard, onions, and dill, then frying them in butter. 4)

Kotkan Hapanlohko (Kotka Sour Rye Pudding)

A savory rye bread pudding, where rye dough is fermented and baked with pork or fish, giving it a unique tangy flavor. 5)

Kymenlaakson Hapankaali (Kymenlaakso Sauerkraut)

A Finnish take on sauerkraut, fermented with juniper berries, caraway seeds, and apples, often served as a side to meats. 6)

Kouvolan Perunarieska (Kouvola Potato Flatbread)

A soft and chewy flatbread made with mashed potatoes, barley flour, and buttermilk, traditionally baked on a hot stone. 7)

Kymijoen Rapuvoileipä (Kymi River Crayfish Sandwich)

A classic open-faced sandwich with buttered dark rye bread, fresh crayfish tails, and dill mayonnaise. 8)

Kotkan Karjalanpaisti (Kotka-Style Karelian Stew)

A twist on Finland’s national dish, this slow-cooked stew combines beef, pork, and lamb with root vegetables, often served with lingonberries. 9)

Pyttipannu Kymenlaakson Tyyliin (Kymenlaakso Skillet Hash)

A hearty potato dish, fried with smoked sausage, onions, and eggs, sometimes topped with pickled beets. 10)

Kymenlaakson Kalakukko (Fish and Rye Pie)

A dense, rye-crusted pie, filled with freshwater fish (such as perch or whitefish) and pork fat, slow-baked to perfection. 11)

Kuusankosken Puolukkakakku (Kuusankoski Lingonberry Cake)

A moist lingonberry cake, flavored with cinnamon and cardamom, often served with vanilla sauce. 12)

Kotkan Suolakala (Kotka Salted Fish)

A traditional preserved fish, where herring or perch is salted and stored for weeks before serving with boiled potatoes. 13)

Kymenlaakson Mustikkakukko (Blueberry Rye Pie)

A traditional blueberry-filled dessert, baked in a crispy rye crust, similar to a pie but with a more rustic texture. 14)

Kouvolan Joululimppu (Kouvola Christmas Loaf)

A dark, sweet rye bread, flavored with malt, molasses, and bitter orange peel, typically eaten during Christmas. 15)