Table of Contents


Bangladeshi Farmers

Farmers in Bangladesh often struggle with flooding caused by cyclones. The flooding lasts for two to three months and causes damage to homes, crops, and animals. To counter these issues, many farmers in the areas switched from raising chickens to ducks, which are able to survive the conditions as they can swim and fly. 1)

One of the poorest countries

Bangladesh is located in South Asia on the Bay of Bengal. It is a relatively young country, as its history dates back only fifty years. Over the years, this small country has experienced wars, military coups, cyclones, famine, and extreme poverty. It is one of the poorest countries in Asia. 2)


The capital of the country is Dhaka. It is a city of 17 million, the main center of garment, textile, food, and metal industries of the country, as well as a market for the trade of jute, rice, oilseeds, sugar, and tea. It is the origin of muslin, the fine fabric of silk, cotton, or wool, produced there by numerous weavers. 3)

Rickshaw use

In Dhaka one of the main means of transport is rickshaws. About 400,000 of them hit the streets of the city every day, which is a world record. 4)

Dhakeśwari Hindu temple

In the center of the city is the Dhakeśwari Hindu temple, from which the city probably got its name. The temple probably dates back to the 11th century and is dedicated to the ten-armed goddess Dhakeśwari. 5)


Bangladesh is an eminent lowland country that occupies the area of the common delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna. It lies in a humid tropical climate zone, shaped by monsoon winds. There are two seasons: rainy and dry. 6)

Dense population

There are over 1,100 people per square kilometer, making Bangladesh one of the most densely populated countries in the world. 7)


The area of today's Bangladesh belonged to India under British rule. It was part of a historical land called Bengal. In 1947, Bengal was divided into West Bengal, which became part of India, and East Bengal, a province of Pakistan. Until 1971, there was a struggle for liberation from Pakistani occupation in East Bengal. 8)


Bangladesh has been named one of the world's most corrupt countries by the World Economic Forum. 9)


The main rivers are the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Surma. The entire area of Bangladesh belongs to the catchment area of the Indian Ocean. 10)

Rivers as arteries of communications

Throughout Bangladesh, rivers play a huge role. They are the main source of water for agriculture, but they are also the main arteries of transportation. 11)

Chatham Mountains

The Chatham Mountains are home to humid equatorial forests. The teak tree, used in construction, is found there. Other species found there include mahogany, simul, and bamboo scrub. 12)

The Sundarbans

The Sundarbans, mangrove forests in Bangladesh are the largest concentration in the world. They provide softwood for paper production. 13)

Indian elephants

Among the largest mammals in Bangladesh, Indian elephants are few in number, as well as gaurs. 14)

Weather anomalies

Typhoons and floods are common in Bangladesh, especially in autumn and winter. 15)


Among the population of Bangladesh, 98% are Bengalis, the rest are mainly Biharis. 16)


The official language is Bengali. The earliest text in Bengali is the Charyapada, dating from the 8th century. 17)

National symbols

The national animal of Bangladesh is the Bengal tiger, the flower is the water lily, and the fruit is the jackfruit, the fruit of the loaf tree. 18)